Howard County (Maryland) Genealogical Society
Howard County
Genealogical Society
Helping you discover your family history
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Monday, September 9
Organize Your DNA Matches (online) *NEW!*
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Howard County Community College - Personal Enrichment Course

This course is designed for genealogists looking to add structure to their approach to DNA analysis. Students are provided techniques for extracting and organizing meaningful genealogical information from their DNA matches. Students will learn how to categorize and prioritize matches for effective research, and use a variety of DNA testing company and third-party tools and software to organize DNA data. This class uses Canvas. Students will receive login instructions a week before class starts. Instructor: Thomas McCarriar.

Tuition: $99** (includes $50 in fees*)
Sep 9–30 Mon 7–9 p.m. Online XE-257-6257 (3640)

Thursday, September 26
Genealogy for Beginners: Getting Started
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Howard County Community College - Personal Enrichment Course

Start discovering your family’s story. Gather information at home, then expand your search to discover records that reveal your ancestors’ lives, both in repositories and online, focusing on free resources. Learn the mechanics of storing your results, the basics about the research process, what DNA can provide for you, and how to keep yourself organized. Instructor: Jon Smith. This class uses Canvas. Students will receive login instructions a week before class starts.

Tuition: $89** (includes $50 in fees*)
Sep 26–Oct 10 Thu 7–9 p.m. Online XE-227-6620 (3627)

Monday, October 7
Genealogy on the Internet (online)
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Howard County Community College - Personal Enrichment Course

Vast amounts of genealogical data available on the internet are both “treasures” and “tribulations” for those searching family ancestry. Learn about the major providers of genealogical content, how to discern the difference between “good” and “questionable” data, and enhance your family tree searching skills. Explore a variety of sites to find valuable hereditary information. Instructors: Tom McCarriar and Jon Smith.

Tuition: $135** (includes $50 in fees*)
Oct 7–Nov 18 Mon 7–9 p.m. Online XE-505-6237 (9950)

Wednesday, October 16
Using Y-DNA to Trace Family History (online) *NEW!*
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Howard County Community College - Personal Enrichment Course

Although the Y-chromosome is present only in men, it is very valuable to family research. It can reveal deep roots and the geographic origins of the patrilinear line. Y-DNA is uniquely useful in surname projects because it is inherited in the same manner as a family surname. Learn how to apply Y-DNA results to discover information on the paternal side of your family. Women can participate by testing a male relative. This class uses Canvas. Students will receive login instructions a week before class starts. Instructor: Andrew Hochreiter.

Tuition: $99** (includes $50 in fees*)
Oct 16–Nov 6 Wed 7–9 p.m. Online XE-434-6011 (3674)