Howard County (Maryland) Genealogical Society
Howard County
Genealogical Society
Helping you discover your family history


Here are some links that may be useful in your pursuit of family connections or to find the genealogical societies that are nearby Howard County.  Please contact us by email to let us know if any of the links do not work or if you have suggestions for links to add to the list.

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41+ Free Family Tree Templates (Word, Excel, PDF)” on the Template Lab website.
[Located in Category: Education]
Download the 419-page PDF file containing 16,000+ links (updated in May 2020) to genealogy & history Facebook groups/pages (in English) . There is a clickable table of contents at the beginning of the list, starting with U.S. states & territories in the first section, other countries in the second section, and various categories in the third section (adoption, African American, Jewish, surnames, etc.). Clicking an entry in the table of contents will take you directly to that category within the list, and clicking a link will take you directly to that Facebook page/group.
[Located in Category: Education]
The Howard County Historical Society collection contains over 38,000 ministers’ returns of marriage licenses, unused returned marriage license applications, and courthouse ledgers of marriages performed in Howard County, Maryland, between 1860 and 1939. Search this index to see if your ancestor might be referenced in the collection held by the Society, then request a copy of the document .
[Located in Category: Education]
Search this collection of 168 items is located in the Howard County Historical Society’s Archives and Research Library that contains manumissions, indentures, bills of sale, and other documents related to slavery in Howard County, Maryland in the decades before and just after the Civil War, including several manumissions of slaves who had entered military service during the War.
[Located in Category: Education]
Events and publications showing you how to use U.S. Federal Government records held at the National Archives for historical and genealogical research. Events are free and open to all. Registration is not required.
[Located in Category: Education]
This has been developed by a youth beginner's genealogy historic research class conducted online through the Howard County Library. They researched the history of a house using a structured research process that involved census records, former owner databases, etc. This information would be useful for any other young historic research enthusiasts who could also have an interest in learning more about their homes. Thanks to Bethany Langston's class for this great informtion!
[Located in Category: Education]
Meetings are at 7:30 PM on the first Thursday of every month at the Severna Park United Methodist Church, 731 Benfield Road, Severna Park, Maryland.
[Located in Category: Genealogical Societies]
Meetings are on the fourth Sunday of the months of September through June (except December) at the Parkville Senior Center, 8601 Harford Road, Parkville, Maryland 21234. They have an extensive library of over 4,000 books of genealogical interest - check their website for hours.
[Located in Category: Genealogical Societies]
Meetings are held the third Monday of each month March through May and September through November at 7:30 p.m. at the Westminster Library, 50 E. Main Street, Westminster
[Located in Category: Genealogical Societies]
The Enoch Pratt Free Library is one of the oldest free public library systems in the United States. They serve the residents of Baltimore with locations throughout the city, and the residents of Maryland as the State Library Resource Center.
[Located in Category: Libraries]
Instructor led on-line course in Genealogy Basics available for free through the Howard County Library System offered several times a year.
[Located in Category: Education]
Genealogy The Garrett County Historical Society and History Museum collect and house books, records, and material of historical significance to the residents and visitors to Garrett County. The Society’s Library currently houses hundreds of books and folders including the following resources: Family Books – books written and compiled by researchers about certain families in Garrett County Family Files – file folders compiled by researchers about families in Garrett County that contain pictures, newspapers articles, and family trees Census Records Church Records Cemetery Records and lots more.......
[Located in Category: Historical Societies]
Track your ancestors through time by transcribing genealogical and historical data and placing it online for the free use of all researchers. Several databases have been started for all to use.
[Located in Category: Howard County Research]
Howard Community College offers courses of interest to genealogists. They are found in Continuing Education under Lifestyle and Leisure, History and Culture listings of classes.
[Located in Category: Education]
The primary private repository of historical records and artifacts related to Howard County’s history. The Howard County Historical Society Museum is housed in the former First Presbyterian Church in old Ellicott City. The Society holdings of historical maps, deeds and property records, marriage licenses, voter records, slave manumission records and oral histories as well as over 4,000 historical photographs, local 4-H documents, business receipts, and many rare and one-of-a-kind private documents is in the Charles E. Miller Branch Library and Historical Center on Frederick Road in Ellicott City.
[Located in Category: Historical Societies]
Each of the Howard County Library facilities have computers with access to several subscription genealogy services as well as a small holding of genealogy related books.
[Located in Category: Libraries]
Thomas Jefferson Building, 10 First Street SE, Washington, DC 20540. THE ultimate resource for all researchers. Books, pamphlets, journals, newspapers and other serial publications.
[Located in Category: Libraries]
Membership in the Maryland Genealogical Society provides access to some of the best genealogical resources available for Maryland research and helps you make the connections you need to advance your family history research.
[Located in Category: Genealogical Societies]
Maryland Historical Society, 201 West Monument St., Baltimore, Maryland, 21201-4674. The Maryland Historical Society’s H. Furlong Baldwin Library enables researchers, students, teachers, and others to have access to the records of Maryland’s past. Their is a collection of books, journals, manuscripts, newspapers, maps, prints, obsolete currency, oral histories, ephemera, and microfilm which the library makes available to the public
[Located in Category: Historical Societies]
Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the months (Sept-Nov and Jan-May) at 7:30 p.m. by Zoom.
[Located in Category: Genealogical Societies]
Monthly meetings are held at the Seabrook Recreation Center, 9443 Worrell Avenue, Lanham, Maryland on the third Saturday in January, March, May, September, and November.
[Located in Category: Genealogical Societies]
Meetings are held at the New Carrollton Municipal Center, 6016 Princess Garden Parkway, New Carrollton, Maryland 20784 the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM except for July, August and January The Society Library is housed at 12219 Tulip Grove Drive in Bowie, MD
[Located in Category: Genealogical Societies]
The Shipleys of Maryland was founded in 1925 as a family organization of the descendants of Adam Shipley who came from England to Maryland in 1668. The website provides convenient access to a wealth of Shipleys of Maryland information and archives, including: Public Resources Pages-Includes notable Shipley biographies, land records and Shipley homesteads, Adam’s Garden cemetery information, and news about ongoing DNA and genealogy database & book projects. Member Resources Pages- A members-only area with an extensive amount of information that includes: up-to-date research on Adam Shipley’s English roots, newsletters dating back to the first issue in 1960, hundreds of scanned items from the Dorothy Shipley Granger Collection graciously provided by the Historical Society of Carroll County, and Shipley Organization historical archives. For Sale- A ‘For Sale’ section offering deeply-researched genealogy books and Shipley merchandise, which can be purchased online using PayPal or a credit card. Online Join & Renewals- We now offer an online option for Shipley “cousins” joining The Shipleys of Maryland or renewing membership using PayPal or credit card.
[Located in Category: Historical Societies]
Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the months at 7:00 p.m. by Zoom.
[Located in Category: Genealogical Societies]
This organization has extensive knowledge to help with sources available to discover Irish and Scots-Irish ancestors.
[Located in Category: Irish Research Sites]
The university of Maryland Baltimore County Library has extensive holdings. Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery . University of Maryland, Baltimore County . 1000 Hilltop Circle . Baltimore MD 21250
[Located in Category: Libraries]
The USGenWeb and MdGenWeb Project resources.
[Located in Category: Howard County Research]
This site describes the use of virtual reality technology in genealogy. Virtual reality can work side-by-side with DNA and traditional research to bring the past to life for researchers, families, and students. For example, a researcher might be able to digitally interact with their ancestor. They could also travel the paths their ancestors took as they immigrated around the world and see these places as they existed in their family member’s time. Check out other possibilities at this site expertly prepared by a Boy Scout for their genealogy merit badge.
[Located in Category: Education]
The kinship Family Heritage Research Center is one of Washington County’s “go-to” spots to learn more about the rich history of the area’s founding, industrial roots, and family ties. The genealogical library houses books, photographs, letters, diaries, maps, and various digital resources to assist visitors on their quest for ancestral information. A genealogical researcher is available every Wednesday and second Saturday to support research inquiries
[Located in Category: Historical Societies]