Fiscal Year Calendar
- July
- The fiscal year shall begin on the first of July each year. (Bylaws, Section VII, Section 1)
- Officers shall assume their duties on July 1 and continue in office for two years (except Treasurer), or until their successors are duly elected. (Bylaws, Article V, Section 3)
- August
- Board Meeting: review duties and responsibilities of the committees and revise as needed. (Bylaws, Article IV, Section 8)
- September
- General Meeting: the Treasurer shall prepare a year-end financial statement to be read at the September general membership meeting of the Society. (Bylaws, Article V, Section 6.D.5)
- Treasurer pays PO Box fee.
- October
- November
- December
- January
- February
- General Meeting: a Nominating Committee of three persons shall be appointed before March 1 by the Executive Board. (Bylaws, Article V, Section 1)
- March
- A Nominating Committee shall have been appointed before March 1. (Bylaws, Article V, Section 1)
- April
- General Meeting: the Nominating Committee shall present, at the general membership meeting in April for election in May, a slate of candidates for the four officers of the Society and the two members-at-large. (Bylaws, Article V, Section 1)
- Treasurer File Form 990-N
- May
- Renew Zoom subscription.
- General Meeting: each officer and member-at-large on the Board shall be elected by a majority of all votes cast by the members present at the general membership meeting in May of each year. (Bylaws, Article V, Section 2)
- Board Meeting: at the Board meeting immediately following the elections, the out-going Board will meet with the newly-elected Board to acquaint the new Board members with their duties and responsibilities and to turn over all records and useful information. (Bylaws, Article IV, Section 7)
- June
- The fiscal year shall end on the last day of June. (Bylaws, Article VII, Section 1)
- The Board appoints a committee of two persons to audit the books of the Treasurer during July and August and present the Board at the August Board meeting. (Bylaws, Article VII, Section 2).
- The Treasurer shall submit a proposed budget to the Executive Board at its meeting preceding the September general membership meeting. (Bylaws, Article V, Section 6.D.6)
Source: Bylaws of the Howard County Genealogical Society, Inc., as amended in June 2021